Laser Therapy

Healing at the speed of light..

“from my years of experience working with laser, it is not unusual to see healing rates 50% to 60% faster
with class 4 high powered laser diodes”

Thomas Andrew PhD

Laser Therapy is used for the relief of pain, to accelerate healing and decrease inflammation. The photon energy from laser will travel several centimetres through the skin and is absorbed by the mitochondria, which are the cells' energy-producing organelles. This energy drives a variety of beneficial physiological reactions that restore normal cell function. Numerous medical disorders, including musculoskeletal issues, arthritis, sports injuries, post-surgical wounds, and diabetic ulcers, have been successfully treated with laser therapy. The main objective of laser therapy is to stimulate the cell to carry out its normal processes at a faster rate. Our high power laser treatments increase cellular metabolism, which speeds up the healing process. In sharp contrast to “Cold lasers” which provide no feeling or sensation, high power diode laser therapy will provide a warm and soothing feeling with faster treatment times and quicker results.

Some Biological effects of high powered laser :

Anti inflamatory

Reducing pain (analgesic)

Accelerated Tissue Repair & Cell Growth

Improved Vascular Activity

Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points

Increased Metabolic Activity

What are the Benefits of Laser Therapy?

Treatment is painless

Highly effective for many diseases and conditions

Eliminates pain

Reduces the need for pharmaceuticals

Restores normal range of motion and physical function

Easily applied



No known adverse effects

No drug interactions

Often makes surgical interventions unnecessary

Treatment is painless

Therapeutic Services

We  specialize  in  a variety of  different techniques to address imbalances in the body, from a whole body perspective.

TECAR Therapy

Promoting heat and increased micro circulation of deep tissues.

Extracorporeal Radial Shockwave

Quickens the body's healing process by increasing blood circulation.

Terahertz Therapy

Enabling the body to recover from its diseased state.



Learn about the different approach and skills of an osteopath.

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